When mes woke ups yesterday mornins the first person mes saw was Spirit, mes sissy. Mes was sooooo happy to see hers! She tells mes she cant get out of the house and that our house is bigger. Me walks to mama's room ans is like double the size. Me goes downstairs to Mr Jogi's room ans mes sees another room next to his that wasnt there before. The door is now at another place ans our kitchen has dissapeared. Now we habs a slushie machines, a board game, a mini fridge withes all the drinks yous coulds eber imagines ans littler kitchen. Hmmms, someone has been busy while mes was sleepins.
Me sees a man entering our house all of the sudden. Mes starts screamins. He goes to the new room next to Mr Jogi's ans sits theres. Mes goes to his room to confronts hims. Mes also screams STRANGER DANGER, STRANGER DANGER. He says he libs there now, that mes mama let him mobe ins. Mes like, is this a house or a hotel?!?!? S says our house looks now like a mansion, its HUGE! Mes goes to mes room ans into my little lounge area until Mr Kuti, mama's boyfriend comes. Mr Kuti explains that Mr Reky, thats his name is a good friend of mama, didnt habs a place to libs so shes imbited hims to mobe in.
We went downstairs ans mes asked Mr Kuti to explain how to play the new board game. It looks like cheesy but it wasnt workins like a cheesy. Its kinda similar but instead of mobins your pieces at first withes a 5 is withes a 6 ans each time you get a 6 yous gets ans extra turn. It was funs but kinda endless. Mes dont fink it eber ends cus its so easy for someone to eats yous. Theres no safe spaces! But it was funs.
Wearins a dirtl @ Oktoberfest |
Mama finally cames. Mes was waitins for her cus that day the doc is takins mes cast off. This has been the longest week ebers. Mes pink cast is coolies but it was startins to itch. Mama saids wes needed to waits for the doctor. But in the meantime wes were gonna go to the Munich sim to celebrate Oktoberfest! Mama got mes ans S a tradishonals Germans dress, mes finks its calleds a DIRTL, at least thats what the box said. The dress was huge but it was pretty ans it was nice.
Mama called all her friends from Frankfurt to join us. They part of our disfunshonals fameleh: Mr Kuti was theres, Mr Reky, Mr Jogi, Lisa, Aunty Mr Nicky ans of course S. When wes got theres others join us. Mes wanted to drinks a heini ans a Jagger Bomb but mama says mes too littlers. GRRRR!! (LOL!) Wes founds a carrousel ans that was funs. There were lots of shops! Mama got us a colorful cuckoo clock. Its so pretty ans its goins into mes room, cus S cant stand the tic toc. LOL! Wes also founds a claw that was funs ans wes found a canon in whch yous could get in it ans it woulds shoots yous. Since mes already had mes cast on mes wents ahead. Mes was thrown the farthest! That was super funs!
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Waka Waka: BYE BYE Cast! |
After thats, the time hads finally comes, wes were goins to the doctor to get mes cast off. Eberone went withes mes to the hospital. Aunty Mr Nicky ended ups beins the ones takins mes cast off. It was funneh cus rights the moment wes took the cast off wes all started dancins Waka Waka! LOL!!! Laters we wents dancins, Spirits joined us cus she hads beens at her Scouts meetin. Wes danced for a long times eben though she ans mes wes looks likes clouds! LOL!!!!
Finallys wes wents homes ans wes starts playins that board game. Mama, Mr Kuti, S ans mes. Mr Jogi, Mr Reky ans Lisa weres also theres. Agains does that gamne ebers ends?!?!?! Mes had to gos so mes nebers knew who wons but by the looks of its, mes finks it was S. Mes always say, the quiets ones are the worse. Ans S withes her water gun is brattier than mes! Ans thats an understatesments! (mes learned that word readins the newspaper)
Mes disfunshonals fameleh at game night. |
When mes cames back it was time to spend withes Daddy ans Mami at their castler. It was funs cus theys just mobs ans the finally furnishs the castler. Daddy ans mami are big kids so theres lots of toys theres, plus mes horsie, Rosita is theres ans mes pink bedroom that is the bestestest room ebers. Daddy ans mami made it for mes ans mes lubs it. Mes took out mes lego mat ans wes spend the whole night chattins ans buildins a castler withes mes Legos. Its was os much funs!
Mami, Daddy & Mes buildins a castler withes mes Legos. |
It was the perfects endins to the funnest day ebers!
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